Water Leaks
Customers are encouraged to check their plumbing and irrigation systems regularly to avoid a water leak. Even a small leak, a running toilet, or a faulty sprinkler head can cause excessive and expensive water consumption. The city assumes no liability for water leaks. Water leaks are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid for in full.
Water Service Leak Credits
Visit the Forms & Applications page to download a Leak Credit Request form.
You may be entitled to a sewer credit for a water service leak that does not result in water entering the sewer system. Please make your request in writing to the Utility Department within twenty (20) days of the occurrence of such a break or leak.
- Credits for a water service leak are limited to one (1) per customer in a twelve (12) month period.
- Customer must provide a plumber’s bill for the service line repairs, or provide receipts for parts and certify that he/she has performed repairs which are available for inspection.
- Once the request has been received, the department will calculate an average sewer bill based on the consumption of the four months previous to the water line break. If there is no consumption history prior to the leak, the department will use the four months subsequent to the leak.
- Once the average sewer bill has been calculated, the department will credit the difference between the average bill and the actual bill containing the leak to the customer’s next available sewer bill.
- If the leak has occurred over a period of time, the credit will be limited to two months. Failure to pay the actual sewer bill in anticipation of the credit could result in termination of water service.