City of Umatilla
1 South Central Avenue
PO Box 2286
Umatilla, FL 32784
(352) 669-3126
Emergency numbers:
Utility (water / sewer) - After hours: (352) 504-8535
Non-Utility - After hours: (352) 602-0600
(352) 669-5378
To report a potential illicit discharge, construction erosion, sedimentation or waste control issues within the City of Umatilla contact Umatilla City Hall at (352) 669-3125.
The Storm Water Division distributes numerous Publications filled with useful information on a variety of topics that impact local water resources. They are distributed at community events around the county and are available at Clean Water Centers listed below. You may also, click to view and print copies of most items shown on this page.
You can request pre-printed items by calling (352) 669-3125. There is no charge for any publication produced by the Storm Water Division, although availability may be limited.