City of Umatilla
1 South Central Avenue
PO Box 2286
Umatilla, FL 32784
(352) 669-3126
Emergency numbers:
Utility (water / sewer) - After hours: (352) 504-8535
Non-Utility - After hours: (352) 602-0600
(352) 669-5378
March 6, 2013
In addition, irrigation is limited to ¾ inch of water per irrigation zone and to no more than one hour per irrigation zone on each day that irrigation occurs.
The restrictions apply to water withdrawn from ground or surface water, from a private well or pump, or from a public or private water utility. Some exceptions apply, such as the use of water from a reclaimed water supply, which is allowed any time except when a local government restricts the use of reclaimed water.
Landscape irrigation is limited to one day a week during Eastern Standard Time, which resumes the first Sunday in November.