Yard Debris

Yard debris removal service is handled by WCA and will be collected at the curb on Tuesdays of every week. Yard debris piles should not exceed 3 cubic yards or a 10 x 10 area per each weekly set out. Yard waste exceeding 3 cubic yards will be charged to the resident at $25 per each additional cubic yard collected. 

Residents are required to tie, bag or bundle yard waste. Yard waste can be placed at the curb in a biodegradable bag, in homeowner provided container or plastic bag. Tree branches should be no longer than four (4’) feet and no larger than six inches (6”) in diameter and must be less than 50 pounds and stacked uniformly. Oversized items will not be collected. 

Items not considered yard waste include wood fencing, landscape timbers, flower pots, yard decoration, mulch and dirt. Non-vegetative items, tree trunks or tree stumps will not be removed either. If you have contracted with a service to take down tree(s), the service provider should be responsible for removing the debris.
