Community Redevelopment Agency

About Us

Creation of CRA

The Community Redevelopment Agency was created by the Umatilla City Council pursuant to Florida Statute 163 through adoption of Ordinance 1980-B on April 1, 1980.

Establishment of Community Redevelopment Trust Fund

The Community Redevelopment Trust Fund was created by the Umatilla City Council pursuant to Florida Statute 163.87 through adoption of Ordinance 1997-A on February 4, 1997.

The trust fund will be effective for thrity (30) years and will sunset on September 30, 2026.

CRA Advisory Board and Board

The Board of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Umatilla is comprised of the five (5) elected City Council members. The function of the Board is to vote on recommendations for funding of CRA projects which have been evaluated and forwarded by the CRA Advisory Board. Terms of appointment are for four years.   

The Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board is comprised of the five (5) City Council members and two (2) at large members appointed by the City Council. The function of the Advisory Board is to review applications for city and commercial projects and make recommendations to the Community Redevelopment Board. There is currently a vacancy on the CRA Advisory Board. For application information please contact Karen Howard, City Clerk and CRA Coordinator.

Meetings of the CRA Board and Advisory Board are held in the Sunshine and are duly noticed. The public is encouraged to attend. Meetings are called when there are applications to review and are generally held on a Tuesday night in conjunction, but separately, from a City Council meeting.

Public Purpose

The public purpose of the Community Redevelopment Agency is to rehabilitate, conserve, or redevelop areas that are found to be in slum or blight conditions. The City of Umatilla designated a specific area and later expanded the boundary. Links to the Maps showing the CRA boundary and subdistricts can be found on this page under "Additional Links",  

Financing of CRA

The CRA is funded through Tax Increment Financing. The dollar value of all real property in the CRA area was determined on a fixed date, generally the date of establishment of the CRA. Taxing authorities such as the County and Water Authority, collect taxes generated by properties using the base year and forward any revenues from increases in property value to the CRA Agency as "Increment Funding".

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Umatilla is October 1st through September 30th.


Board Members

Name Term
John Nichols November 2024—November 2028
Fred Fetterolf November 2024-- November 2028
Katherine Adams November 2022—November 2026
Bear Crockett August 2024—November 2026
Chris Creech December 2024—November 2028